JM 310


Publications Jean MICHEL
Page d'accueil Jean MICHEL

Text for the Conferences on Virtual Universities in Budapest and in Prague (UNESCO, UTB, CVUT), Spring 1998) - Written: August 1998 - 32 ko



A new vision of the future of engineering education

Some keywords or concepts linked to NTIC and to virtual universities

The reasons of a revolution : the new features behind NTIC

Consequences and impact on people and on educational processes

Different levels of implication of universities

NTIC used for what or on which component?

Virtual yes, but what can be " virtualized " ?

Who is concerned by the development of virtual universities?

And now the obstacles, the difficulties, the problems to solve

NTIC and virtual universities : some concrete proposals


The information revolution is one of the most important factor of change for higher education and for engineering education. How to rethink higher engineering education in the context of post-industrial societies influenced by of a world-wide globalization ot their economy, by also an incontestable elevation of the knowledge and competency levels and by a more and more intricate situation of productive forces, thanks to the huge development of the electronic networks? Can we invent and establish new ways of education and training that can better take into account the generalized access to specialized information and knowledge and the world-wide networking? The virtual university is becoming the key concept to be taken into account now for the future of higher engineering education.

The emergence of the information technology and society The present situation can be characterized by the emergence of information and communication in all fields of individual and professional life. The specialized information systems, tools and networks become more and more important and powerful. Internet is the most obvious phenomenon of such a revolution. Governments, companies, local authorities, universities, etc. are now strongly discussing the need of new information infrastructures, putting milliards of dollars or ECUs in the construction of information superhighways. They also put emphasis on the need to develop the " content industry ". Data bases, data banks, experts systems, CAE, CAM, CIM, EDI, CD-ROM, CD-I, Internet, Groupware, Websites, Intranet, etc.: engineers, entreprises, educators are really facing a new situation in which information resources (whatever the way of accessing them) are becoming key resources for the development of industry, education and society activities. One can assert today that virtual universities (and the use of NTIC in education) are not just a fashion. One can observes a true explosion of experiments or realizations. For instance, if one tries to retrieve information on the Web, requesting Alta Vista to find pages related to " Virtual University ", one will find more than hundred thousands of references. More than 20 international electronic mailing lists are entirely devoted to debates on distance education. More than 30 international conferences were or are dedicated to NTIC in higher education during the year 1998. Such an explosion of realizations does not mean that traditional universities will no more be useful and that only virtual universities will survive in the future. Nevertheless one cannot ignore that trend and one has to better understand what is behind it.

A new vision of the future of engineering education

Higher enginering education should no more be limited to the unique transfer, around the age of 20, of a box of fixed knowledges which can be used during the entire career. The information revolution accelerates the changes in the society and opens our minds to worldwide situations, to experiences and knowledges which we were unable to imagine some minutes before looking at our e-mail messages. Everyone can easily access to pieces of information and/or knowledge which are produced in another part of the world. Everyone can easily access to structured as well as unstructured information, public as well as confidential information. Everyone can easily access but also produce and disseminate information.

Under these conditions, the important question one has to answer is the following: does-it now exist a difference between fixed and structured education on the one hand and worldwide and circulating information on the other hand, in terms of preparing our minds (especially engineers' minds) to face new complex and moving situations and to develop professional activities?

Schematically, one could also assert that there is no more a necessity to build and use an engineering school or faculty for educating and training an engineer. There is no more necessary to geographically concentrate students at a given place and in a given time for teaching them the bases of mechanical engineering or water resources management. There is no more necessary to build class rooms for providing access to information and knowledge.

The role of engineering faculties and schools should certainly change. For instance, they should develop easy access conditions, for everybody, to information and knowledge resources. They should stimulate the curiosity of young people. They should help the students to establish links between scattered and contradictory datas and knowledges (methodological input). They should contribute to the production, transfer and dissemination of new specialized informations and knowledges, as well as they should develop new methods of education based on these concepts.

Some keywords or concepts linked to NTIC and to virtual universities

The use of NTIC in education is not really new. During the last 20 years, many specialists, many educators, tried to find solutions to a not very well defined problem (what to do with computers and information technologies in education ?). At the same time, new concepts of education appeared or, more precisely, were successfully developed and used as for instance it was the case with distance education, or also with open learning. If one tries to clarify such concepts, one can notice the following items :

The reasons of a revolution : the new features behind NTIC

When talking of NTIC, one has generally in mind " computers " and " telecommunications " which are only tools and are not so much different (functionally speaking) from what are the blackboard or the classroom. If one wants to better understand the present revolution behind the use of NTIC in education, one must take into account some important features that characterize the information technologies today. Thus, one can mention :

Consequences and impact on people and on educational processes

It is obvious to say now that NTIC are changing the way of communicating, thinking, working,… being,… and also learning. Considering more precisely education, what are the consequences or the impact of the use of NTIC ? Some are very interesting and explain certainly why governments, but also educators, are pushing in that direction:

Different levels of implication of universities

Facing the important development of NTIC, universities tried and try to find appropriate solutions for integrating these new tools in their strategy and in their day to day activities. It is possible to differenciate different approaches. Thus, Marcel Goldschmid (Epfl Lausanne) considers four types of universities :

One can also ranked the present experiences on a scale with four levels of development :

NTIC used for what or on which component?

If one examines more in detail the various present experiences in higher education, one can say that NTIC can be used in four different domains or areas or for four different purposes (independantly considered or combined) :

These four domains or areas can also be viewed or analyzed as :

Virtual yes, but what can be " virtualized " ?

When using NTIC in higher education, when talking of virtual universities, one cannot avoid to debate the " what " can be virtualized. Thus, one can consider the different items, which can be independantly or integratively virtualized :

Who is concerned by the development of virtual universities?

It is interesting to notice that the use of NTIC in higher education leads to new perspectives in the management of universities and in the cooperation between different groups of people. Thus, when moving towards virtual universities, one has to consider the specific input of the following partners :

Il seems important to say here that most authors and experts consider important to set up ad-hoc multidisciplinary teams for the efficient development of virtual universities.

And now the obstacles, the difficulties, the problems to solve

In many recent international conferences debating the question of virtual universities and the use of NTIC in higher (engineering) education, people point out some serious problems which need efforts to be solved. Thus :

NTIC and virtual universities : some concrete proposals

To help educators and universities to enter the new information society, one can suggest some very simple proposals :


Who would have thought, in 1747, when one founded the Ecole Royale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris, with the purpose to educate and train the French civil engineers, that two and a half centuries latter, people would communicate through satellites or optical fibers, would fly over oceans and continents, would cross the Channel using their own car or a fast train (TGV)? Would Diderot, the editor of the French Encyclopedia, have imagined just before the French Revolution that the numerous volumes of his work would be contained on a small CD-ROM and have become a testimony of the information revolution?